Saturday 17 September 2011

We jumped...

we survived! AMAZING!! TERRIFYING!!!

Paul (Caroline's instructor), Caroline, me, and Brian (my instructor) about to get into the airplane

On the way up (surprisingly I wasn't nervous ... at this point)

I know I pull funny faces for photos ... this was a gen-u-ine face. I was about to be hurled out of an airplane and I was petrified!

See my pink shoes - and the belly of the airplane, that I'm NO longer in?! Eeek!

Free fall

I spent a lot of the 60 seconds of free fall screaming

I tried to smile for the camera ... quite hard when you want to scream and you're struggling to breath because of the force of the wind!

The weather was dodgey and the wind was up and my harness was SUPER tight. We came in for a pretty quick landing and it hurt to get my legs up in the harness. Can't tell if this face is pain from the harness or fear of the fast landing.

On the ground


Caroline and I just after the jump

Monday 5 September 2011

Hair one day, gone the next

From rather long hair to a slightly dramatic loss of about 5 inches. I was in the bath and my hair was annoying me - dry, damaged, tangled and coming out, so I grabbed a pair of scissors and started chopping. Perhaps I should get my flatmate to see if it's even...

Saturday 3 September 2011

More news

This time the federation I work for was praised by the Secretary of Statein a speech about the recent riots in London:

...And we have to make sure that the future for our young people is shaped by
the values which make the Harris Academies such a success, not the values which
ran riot on our streets this summer...

To check out the rest of his speech, click here.