Thursday 17 February 2011

Lovely mom, lucky girl

I have said it many times, I am very lucky to have my mom as a mother. She is lovely... and she spoils me! I got 2 care packages in January from Mom: a home made friendship loaf (it was a bit hard as it seemed to have been stuck in out mail system and took a month to get to me - 10 seconds in the microwave and it was good as just out of the oven) and girl scout cookies. My mouth thanks her, although my hips have grown a bit with all the goodies :-)

Yum yum!!

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Hot stuff

A couple of weeks ago I had some candles burning, oddly enough on my medal kitchen draining board. Lucky I did have them burning there as one of the candle holders shattered. So weird.

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Wednesday 16 February 2011

Navajo Joes

Friday night I went into London to meet up with a group of new friends (that I have met ice skating) and strangers ... my live is so weird sometimes. Gio who I met through ice skating knows Cristina who had some friends getting together Friday night (for what I thought was drinks but ended up being dinner and drinks). Gio invited me to join... so I did. We went to a Mexican place called Navajo Joes. Made me miss proper Tex-Mex restaurants, but it was a fun evening never the less.

I'm at the end on the left, Gio is 2 down from me.

Cristina had a pink feather boa which I was happy to don for a picture
Cristina went a bit click happy with her new camera and must have taken a dozen shots of this in 60 seconds.

Monday 7 February 2011

Banannagram mania

Andrea got me a GREAT Christmas present, banannagrams (which she made me open before she left for America a few days before Christmas). It's kind of like scrabble but you make your title connect to make your own "board".

My first ever game with Andrea

My second board...some small words but they did the trick. I was impressed!

Christmas Night with Hayley and Andrew. Andrew was a whiz at this game, but Hayley and I both maannged to beat him at least once.

I managed to woo Paul into a game on Thursday when he came by

New Year's Day with Ed

More New Years fun with Adam and Lindsay

Claire and Lachie came to visit (SO happy to see them! I've missed Claire since she migrated down under!!) and found themseles playing banannagrams too.

I was well proud of this board... all those v's and w's and u's and last minute draw of y and g ... and spellig mountain - I impressed myself (can you tell?)!

Louise and Sophie (scrabble queens) induldged me in a game when they came over mid-Jan

Another moment where my brain impressed me... come on - who doesn't love a fat fun nerd?!

Be warned: if you visit me, you might be lured into a game of banannagrams!

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How cute is that face?!

My neighbours were out tonight so I got to Ronnysit. Cutest labradoddle ever ... but he could do with a breathe mint :-)

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