Monday 7 February 2011

Banannagram mania

Andrea got me a GREAT Christmas present, banannagrams (which she made me open before she left for America a few days before Christmas). It's kind of like scrabble but you make your title connect to make your own "board".

My first ever game with Andrea

My second board...some small words but they did the trick. I was impressed!

Christmas Night with Hayley and Andrew. Andrew was a whiz at this game, but Hayley and I both maannged to beat him at least once.

I managed to woo Paul into a game on Thursday when he came by

New Year's Day with Ed

More New Years fun with Adam and Lindsay

Claire and Lachie came to visit (SO happy to see them! I've missed Claire since she migrated down under!!) and found themseles playing banannagrams too.

I was well proud of this board... all those v's and w's and u's and last minute draw of y and g ... and spellig mountain - I impressed myself (can you tell?)!

Louise and Sophie (scrabble queens) induldged me in a game when they came over mid-Jan

Another moment where my brain impressed me... come on - who doesn't love a fat fun nerd?!

Be warned: if you visit me, you might be lured into a game of banannagrams!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone