Wednesday 30 May 2007

Cat jail?

Bob seems to be settling back into life at the flat. She is desperate to go outside. How do you make an outside cat an indoor cat? It seems slightly cruel. I'm hoping after a bit of inprisonment, she'll remember where home is and not trollop around and find another new home. Saying that she might just feel free and go further next time. Oh the dilemma.


Anonymous said...

Hey, thanks for your comment. I agree about the Health & Safety stuff but I still think making a fuss about 1/2kg is a bit much when the next guy is 1/2kg under.

Anyway, nice blog and best of luck to Bob - send her my love.

Anonymous said...

Oh, by the way, memoirs is o-i, not i-o - you can change it in your settings, but everyone will have to change their bookmarks.


karen said...

I could be clever and say 'I know that, memoirs was used.' But you know me well enought to know I'm a rubbish speller. Opps!