Friday 29 June 2007

Just in case you wondered...

...why I don't post blogs about anything other than the timetable - that's because I currently east sleep and breathe the timetable. My flatmate will attest to this.
There's not really a lot going on in my life at the moment. I don't really have a social life - as I spend my nights at home on my laptop scheduling the timetable.

This weekend I'm hoping to pay a visit to the Wimbledon Grand Slam (tennis). Wimbledon is only around half an hour away in public transport. Being close to Wimbledon was a huge bonus in my eyes from taking a job down here in London. I love Wimbledon. I'm really excited to get to go again! For those of you wondering how I'm going to afford the extortionate tickets (as I'm currently beginning to sort my debts) - this is thanks to a generous birthday present from some of my friends. If anyone needs ideas for my birthday present - money for Wimbledon tickets (or tickets themselves) is a great idea!!! :)

On Sunday afternoon / evening I'll be going to Princess Diana's concert in Wembly (north London). This is if I ever manage to get my tickets! Long story but I don't have them and can't get in touch with the person who does. They were going to post them last week but forgot before they went on holiday. I thought they were back yesterday or today, but can't get in touch. There's a postal strike here so I'm desperately hoping they haven't already posted the tickets cause if they have I'm out of a lot of money. I have 4 tickets - some mates are coming with me. Starting to panic that I'll be eating the cost of the tickets and not going to the concert.


djg said...

Isn’t this interesting, tennis and music? Is this deja vu or what? Is life different or the same as time cycles on? Wait a minute … computers, tennis and music; I like it!