Monday 6 August 2007

Weekend 'up north'

I went back home for the weekend. I took Friday off and drove up. Success story: I managed a smoke free journey. There were many many moments where I REALLY wanted a cigarette, but I resisted (or I couldn't be bothered to make a 10 minute stop and get some - either way I made it.) After a long journey (far too much traffic) I made it to my old place of work. They have moved offices, so I got the new tour - impressive! Friday night I went for a couple of drinks with a few people I used to work with and then a couple of us went for a chinese after.
I'm still registered with a doctor in Castle Donnington (where I used to live) - I like my doctor too much to re-register. I picked up a prescription on Friday on the way to Derby. Saturday morning I realised they didn't give me the right prescription, so Saturday morning I toddled back to Castle Donnington.* Then it was off to Long Eaton to get my hair chopped and my legs waxed. After a few hours of pampering I went to Derby to visit Jo and Jim (more friends - I know it's shocking that I have them - get over it :) and their kids Molly(3 1/2) and Ethan(3ish?). Molly has an obsession with me. Everywhere I went - she went. I put my feet up on a chair - she put her feet up on the chair. I was sleepy and wanted to lay on the couch - she was sleepy too, so got her blanket and laid down with me. It was very cute...until I need the loo. Hmm. Saturday night I met up for a very quick cup of tea with the Whealtys - someone had forgotten that he was leading the lesson on Sunday - so had to prepare for Sunday morning.
Sunday was church and then a pot luck** afterwards. Yum yum. Free food, you just can't beat it :) It's always good to get to see everyone at church when I'm back in Nottingham, but it's always so short lived, so it was good to have extra time to spend with everyone at the pot luck. With a full stomach, and suffering the Sunday afternoon nap syndrome, I had a lovely drive to London to look forward to. The traffic in London was worse than Friday when I drove north. It was very irritating, but I made it home finally. Driving down I was a bit bummed as the weather was so brilliant I wanted to be outside enjoying it. Getting out of the car when I got home ... well I decided that being in an air conditioned car for during the heat wasn't a bad option either :)
And now it's back to Monday morning and work. **sigh**

*This was after a wonderful breakfast of pancakes and Bacon - Thanks Patty!
**Everyone brings a savoury dish and sweet dish, you put it on a big table and everyone tucks in.