Saturday 15 September 2007

Camping .. on the water

I went canal boating with my friends Jo and Jim last weekend. It was quite fun. It was a bit like camping - caravan style ... only floating on water. We set out Saturday afternoon and moored up opposite a giant stack of hay. The other side of us was a potato field. Jo told me about a fun game of potato harvesting they (Jo and Jim) had played the last few times they'd been out. Basically at dusk they go out on the potato field and dig for a few potatoes. This seemed not so fun, but I participated and it ended up quite an experience. We came back with 7 potatoes each - no winner. I was disappointed - I'm quite competitive. Jo then asked if I was not feeling guilty - as I had 'stolen' the potatoes. At that point I did, and I still do.
Sunday I made a potato and cheese bake for lunch. The fresh potatoes sure were good. After lunch we headed back. Jo slept while Jim 'drove'. I stayed away from the driving as I didn't want to be blamed for anything that might have happened... although it would have been a bit difficult to wreck the boat as it only goes about 3 mph.
Pictures to come.