Friday 11 January 2008

So far this morning...

I've had a 40 minute phone conversation with my mom, I've cooked some rice and made / packed my lunch for today, I've undecorated my Christmas tree, taken my Christmas tree outside, taken my Christmas decorations down, tidied up the kitchen, gone through my mail from while I was away, watched half of a movie, written this post on my blog and it's only 20 past 6 in the morning!!!
I'm not a morning person. I often go to bed at 3:30am; I don't think I've ever woken up for the day at 3:30am unless I was going to catch a plane or such. Unfortunately it's now 6:20, about time to get up and ready for work, and I'm now getting sleepy. [sigh]
This jet lag thing is getting old. I arrived back in England Monday. I was in my flat and in the bath at just past 11am Monday, and not long after that I was asleep in the bath. Around noon I woke up and crawled out of the bath and into bed. Where I stayed until around10:30pm. I was then awake for the next 23 hours. 9pm was bed time for me on Tuesday night. I slept through the whole night (bar about 10 minutes around 3:30am), waking up for work around 6:45am. I was in bed at 10:30pm Wednesday night; again I woke up around 3:30, but couldn't get back to sleep. I watched tv for about an hour and then fell back asleep. I woke up around every 45 minutes until I gave up and got up for work around 6:30. Last night I was in bed for 10:30; a friend rang me at 11; I then slept until just after 3. After tossing and turning and trying to get back to sleep for a while, I decided I'd call my mother - what else do you do at 3:30 in the morning?


martha crockett said...

I can so feel your insomnia pain! I have been doing the very same thing for a/b 15 years. I'm going in to a doc next week to try a new "pellet" therapy that is as yet not FDA approved. I know some folks who have done it, tho, and it made a huge difference in their health. I'll keep you posted!
3:30am is a very lonely time of day, isn't it......

Anonymous said...

Hey Girl.....I'm so glad that your Mom sent me your Blog! I love reading these things! I'm so glad that I got to spend time with you while you were here. I had SO much fun! (You were a really EASY target to make fun of too! teehee!)
So gimme some more of those "for'un" words to work on!
Love you!
Molly (Your Massage Therapist)