Monday 10 March 2008

A bit of a catch up...

...but not much of one as I don't have much time. I was so sleep deprived last week because I had so much to do before flying to the States. "Flying to the States, what?" I hear you ask. My parents (as I mentioned in an earlier post) were in the process of moving from Paris and my childhood home. The church I grew up at, Lamar Ave church of Christ, was having a farewell for them yesterday. I just couldn't not try and go. So last Friday I tried to arrange coming in for a flying visit to wish my parents off. Tuesday I finally got the ok from work and was able to book my flights. I flew into Northwest Arkansas (where my sister lives) on Thursday evening. We were due to drive down to Paris on Friday after Scott and Cheryl finished work to surprise our parents. Madilyn (my niece) didn't sleep Thursday night, so doing the 5 hour drive on Friday didn't happen. We left Saturday morning and headed to Paris. And boy were our parents surprised! They had no idea we were coming. What a treat for them. We all packed for a few hours Saturday afternoon and then went for one last family meal in Paris.
Sunday morning was church and then a teary farewell from Lamar Ave. Then it was back to the house to do more packing. Cheryl and Scott left to go back home around 3(?) and Dad headed down to Tyler with a full car of stuff around 3:30. That left Mom and I to finish all we could before heading down to Tyler around 8. It was a late night by the time Mom and I arrived in Tyler and unloaded the cars. (I have rented a car so I could come down to Tyler and see where they were going to be and help as much as I could.)
I spent a few hours this morning cleaning my parents kitchen and bathroom in the apartment they've temporarily rented (while searching for a new house to buy in Tyler). I'm now getting ready to leave Tyler, headed back to Paris to a dentist appointment (man my dentist looks after me here! ... and at such short notice! Thanks Dr Jay!!) and then up to Cheryl and Scott's house.
It's been an emotional few days to say the least, and I've been SO sleep deprived. I'm suffering from jet lag, the clocks moved back here so I lost an hour, and I'm working off 5-6 hours sleep a night. Tuesday morning I head back to England and arrive around 6am - then it's off to work for an 8am start - and a full day. The things you do for the people you love!!!
They're a lot of tired and emotional people in my family at the moment, so keep us in your prayers!

P.S. Before I left I had to get my flat cleaned and organised as my new flatmate moved in on Saturday! So it's been chaos all around! Welcome to the flat Lindsay!

(Updated 12 March 08: sorry for all the spelling mistakes. I've just corrected them - spell check wasn't available when I posted this Monday.)


Another day in the life of Beau Hart :) said...

Wow, your parents left Paris? That's crazy. Glad you got to make it back to see them off--Beau :)

Anonymous said...

Karen, it was wonderful to see you for the few moments you were here, & all the phone calls when you were driving! Wish we could have had more time together. Now when you come home you'll be going to Tyler. Call me and we can meet up in between!
Love you,

The Timberframer's Wife said...

Hey! It's Robyn from camp. Wow, what a week you've had! And I thought mine was busy! It's so neat to keep up with you by blog now. Have a good weekend and try to get some rest!