Saturday 31 May 2008


What's CDR? If you just asked that your life is just not as full as mine is. CDR, Camp Deer Run, is a Christian youth camp in north east Texas. I spent 9 summers of my life going to CDR and am blessed through my experiences there. In my last post I mentioned I got to go to the 50 Year Reunion of CDR, but I didn't get to take many pictures. This is what I managed.

If you can make it out, this is the sign on the main road leading to camp. This was such an exhilarating sight when I was younger: after a year of waiting, 4 weeks of packing, the longest church service in the world and an hour and a half of driving after church I was almost there!* What good memories!

I nabbed this photo from Rachel, she is a great blogger and always has her camera ready. Which I'm SO glad as it's the only photo I really have of me at camp.

Rachel and I with Scarecrow in the back (no idea what Scarecrow's given name is, he's just Scarecrow to everyone!)

I did take these photos of the Rec Hall. Every child who goes to CDR gets to paint their name in the Rec Hall on the last day of camp. In the last few years they've stopped children painting over other people's names, so my bit has stayed. In 2003 I helped out on staff for a week and repainted my name ... had to show that British side of my life now :-)
I don't have to mention that I don't look that great in the self portrait in the Rec Hall. I will ask for a reprieve as I'd been up through the night being ill. Oh yes that's right, not only was I sleep deprived and jet lagged, I was up being sick through the night and had a 7 hour drive the next day - nice! (Today, 2 weeks later, I sit at my desk wondering how I actually managed to pull it off. Oh the lasting memories.)

*I had similar feeling when I drove up this time too. It'd been over 10 years since I camped there and more than 5 since I'd last been there. Months of wanting to get to go, 20 hours of traveling to get there by taxi, plane, bus and rental car, and finally, finally you see the sign. The sign's a bit of a "welcome back" sign, and it's always a welcome sight!


Rachel said...

Hey Karen! I just got in town today after being gone for 2 weeks, so I just got your message. I see you got the picture off my blog, but let me know if you still want the original version. I'm SO glad you came to camp, and I'm SO sorry you were sick! That stinks! But it means a lot that you made the trip!

music_maven said...

Wow I've seen your painting in the Rec Hall a million times and always wondered why you put your name in a British flag. I was trying to search and see if I could find out Scarecrows real name and it redirected me to this page.