Monday 4 August 2008

Am I seeing things?

One day last week as I left work there was a large bin outside that caused me to do a double take. This is what I saw as I walked by

I said to myself, "self, what is that, take a closer look. Okay, so it is a leg. Interesting."

I thought I'd share this odd-ness with you. It was obviously a manikin, or a leg of a manikin, that someone throw out. But the bigger question still looms in my head: why do we have manikins at school?


Anonymous said...

Goody, Sherry gets to be first to comment this time. Are you sure that is not a teacher who gave up the ghost during the last month of school?? Who would notice-there she sits behind her desk, the kids in theirs (not paying attention), of course no learning going on...I think you should go back and check. That foot looks like Ms. Feeblebuster to me.