Tuesday 19 August 2008

Detox anyone?

Today is day 3 out of (however long I can keep it up but at least) 28 days of detoxing. I figured with all my stress as of late and the rubbish my body has been through - well it just needs a re-boot. So detox here I come.

I did let my flatmate know I was detoxing, I however didn't warn her that the first week I start I get quite moody. Now I didn't omit this little tid bit on purpose, I had actually forgotten. Last night my moodi-ness / short temper got the better of me and I snapped a bit. I then recalled to warn my flat mate that I tended to be moody for the first week. I also apologised. {enter apologetic face here}

So, as I mentioned it's day 3. I am happy to report that I have kept to the very strict vegan, wheat free, sugar free, caffeine free diet. I am going out tonight and tomorrow. I'm not sure how my detox will fair through these two excursions. {sigh} If being healthy (ie eating healthy) is meant to be good for you - why is it so hard to keep to? Shouldn't it be easier than this?
If you're interested in the detox I'm doing, I've pictured it above: "Carol Vorderman's 28 Day Detox Diet" ... and after that "Detox for Life" - yippee (yawn)


Another day in the life of Beau Hart :) said...

hey girl, good for you! Kris and I have joined a gym and I'm counting calories. We'll see how well this does for me, ha. We're due in a month, can you belive it? haha