Friday 27 March 2009

The biggest Pancake in the world

Matt and I tried to go out for pancakes on Shrove Tuesday (ie Pancake Day) but our efforts were thwarted when we were faced with a queue out the restaurant and around the corner of at My Old Dutch. Darn! Matt is a very organised man and a planner. It was kind of funny seeing his reaction of "what to do next" when your plans go pear shaped. I'm a bit useless as I don't know London that well, but Matt's knowledge of where to go is superb so I rely on him to come up with a plan. Lazy I know, but he really does pick some good places!

On this occasion we walked to an Italian place around the corner from the pancake place only to be greeted with another queue out the door (seriously, what was up with all the people out in Holburn?! Holburn is the part of London we were in). Plan B scuppered Matt remembered a nice little restaurant on a back street that we walked to, but we decided that was a bit to pricey so onto Plan C which was a pub down the road that Matt had been to. Matt didn't like the menu. So plan D was an Italian place across the road from Plan C's pub choice. The night ended up being good fun and it was good to natter with Matt for the evening. I must admit that the search for where to eat that evening was definitely a fun highlight of the evening. I often find scuppered plans often lead to exciting and fun new plans!

Fast forward to last Wednesday: Matt and I ventured out to attempt to get pancakes. When Matt suggested we go get pancakes my mind obviously thinks nice thick, normal sized American pancakes. I was wrong. These were ginormous thin pancakes. Ginormous!!! I'd never before seen pancakes this big, nor had I ever eaten savoury pancakes. My first (yes I was greedy and had two) pancake was much like a pizza (pepperoni, chizoro and chillies) and my second was a sweet pancake with cinnamon and apples topped with ice cream. As yummy as pancake number 2 was I just couldn't manage to finish it. I was so over full I had to loosen my belt - never a good sign!! But I had a fantastic evening and those pancakes were certainly worth the wait!

Pancake number 2, can you see how big it is? look at the size of the plate compared with the table, cup of tea or fork - GINORMOUS!!!


Anonymous said...

Wow, how interesting...PANCAKE DAY (and such a ginormous savory selection). I really find it hard to believe you tried to eat two of them!

Appreciate the new "education" on London life.

Love you,