Tuesday 14 July 2009

Bye Clare :-(

A good friend of mine, former colleague and flatmate, Clare P., left at the end of June for a 6 month adventure around the world. I will miss her dearly!

May 24th
Before she left we went out for one last who-rah. We were both busy and pretty tired so it was a calm who-rah :-) We went out to a local Japanese restaurant for some yummy grub.
Who needs chop sticks when you've got hands!

Then Clare came back for a cuppa tea and a game of Sorry. I have a lot of fun memories with Clare being my flatmate, passing the time playing card & board games, Sorry! being our favourite.

It's very hard to take a self portrait while playing a game ... we tried 8 times and this was our best attempt :-\

Clare actually left the country early on the 30th, so a few of us went out on Monday night (the 29th) to say a final farewell. It was really sad to say good-bye. I've had a few emails from Clare since she left and she seems to be having a grand time ... I just wish I could ditch work for 6 months and join her on her jollies!!!

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