Thursday 24 November 2011

Thanksgiving Kitchen update

3:30 kitchen update
From left to right:
Macaroni cooked
Sweet potatoes peeled and on stove (but peeling still on counter top waiting for bin).

3:45 - call to mom. Another question. This time about mac and cheese

4:20 kitchen update
From left to right:
Mac & cheese almost ready for the oven, but I need to grate more cheese.
Cutting marshmallows
Carrots waiting to be peeled and chopped
Sweet potatoes on stove, mashed and ready for dish. Just need marshmallows.

We don't have "mini" marshmallows, so I'm cutting big ones up to make my own :-)

Hands up who thinks I'm related to Jean :-)

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


Anonymous said...

Yeah Karen! You're doing a great job in the kitchen, so impressive ;-) Almost feel like we're there with you.
Love, Mom