Monday 6 February 2012

Weekend in the Midlands

Last weekend I headed "home" to the Midlands (where my surrogate family live). I felt like I saw a lot of friends but didn't get to spend long with anyone!

Friday night I stopped with Sam and Nick. We went to a pub for dinner and Nick finally relented to playing a game on his phone with Sam. I was rubbish so I let them play.

Saturday morning (after my jog to work off the chocolate cake I had Friday night) I had my hair trimmed. I was a bit bored and wanted a change. My hairdresser told me to change something in my life; my hair suited me and he wasn't going to chop it off. Takes a good hair dresser to do that.

After my hair appointment, I headed to visit Ken who's been poorly bless him. Saturday evening I spent with my surrogate parents, Patty and John. We went for an Indian and then stopped by a pub before grabbing a DVD and heading home.

Sunday morning was church and then I headed up to Nottingham to have lunch with Duncan, and old friend. I was everywhere and nowhere! Good to see everyone though!

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