Sunday 27 May 2007


or is it just sleep deprivation?

One of the things my father blessed me with (or at least I blame him for) is chronic insomnia. * My mother tells me I have blame issues - nothing's ever my fault ... well she got have of that statement right - I am always right :) hehe My father also gave me my wonderful height and fairly hairless legs - both good things, but today's all about the insomnia :)
So in my moment of being awake, now 3:40 in the morning, I'm confused. I don't want to tell you why for many reasons - no sympathy is required, nor is pouring my guts out or crying over a shoulder and I'm tired of talking about it .. to name a few of the reasons. I don't think I really want advice on my current situation either. I would love to know what the outcome will be and what decision I should make, but I don't and you aren't able to tell me either. "So what", I hear you asking, "is the purpose for this blog entry?" Good question. To which the only answer I can come up with is that I'm extremely confused, don't know what to do, what the right decision is, and wanted to share my dilemma.

I have also come to the conclusion that 3:30 AM blogging inducing more rambling than normal :)