Thursday 24 May 2007

Playing catch up ... with photos

As I've not had a good way of sharing my photos till now, I thought I'd share a few.
Friends/People I worked with a Serco. Clockwise from top left, Sam, Laura, mwah, Shirley, Gaj, James, Nick
This is from an all night support-a-thon we did to raise money for Sri Lanka case there is any doubt, it was meant to be a cheesy photo

July 2006 Camp Shamrock
At Hare's Gap in the Mourne Mountains of Northern Ireland
I spend a couple of weeks each summer helping out at this summer camp

Claude and Hannah (and my messy flat)
This was taken just after Hannah moved in, feb 07
Hannah's my flatmate, Claude is a friend from work who introduced Hannah and I

My good friend Hayley, I also met her working at Serco
She moved to London a few months after I did

Mary from BTG (current work)

Rhi from Derby who I met in London
Small world eh :)

Adam - I met him at one of his gigs, and have stalked him ever since :)