Tuesday 5 June 2007

Hair today gone tomorrow :)

I had my hair* chopped and dyed while I was in Derby. I fancied a change. My hairdresser, I love. The lady that dyed my hair, not so impressed. My hair isn't what I wanted, and am tempted to get it redone. But it would mean another drive to Derby. I have had a lot of compliments on it, so maybe it looks ok - it just isn't what I wanted. Nevermind. Hair grows.

Friday and Monday I was working for home. May I just say how nice it is to get up 5 minutes before you have to 'be at work' and go to work in your pajamas. Back up at a reasonable 45 minutes before I have to be at work and in normal work clothes today. shame :(

*Pictures to follow when I get some :)