Tuesday 5 June 2007

244 to go...

Yes that's right. I'm less far along* than I was. I actually got down to a mere 41 unplaced events. But these 41 events just wouldn't go into the timetable, so I decided to go at it another way. Got to love timetabling! I subsequently unscheduled year 7 & 8 (as I had scheduled them together).
PE was causing a major problem, so I scheduled PE in year 8 and then in year 7 - with no teachers (as it wouldn't go in with the teachers in it....I'll figure out teachers later :) I then stayed up til half past 2 this morning scheduling year 8. I have 23 events left to place in year 8.
My first draft of the timetable is due on Friday - tick tock tick tock. Will it be done?
*I'm sure that;s not proper English


Anonymous said...


No problem, timetables are easy!

karen said...

Since timetables are so easy for you, you are welcome to do my schools :)