Friday 6 July 2007

0 to go .... can you beleive it?!

The draft copy of the timetable went out. I've still got work to to on it, I need to give the teachers rooms for instance, but I can see the end of the tunnel. My hard work and angst has given me several compliments - apparently the timetable has never* been issued before the end of term (usually it was given to teachers on the inset days 2 days before school started). Staff are also complimenting my timetabling skills as we have a 2 week timetable and for the most part week A is the same as week B. For you non-timetabling types: I've been complimented on my skills. For you timetabling types - if you don't think it's hard - you've never done it :)

*Never might not be true, but at least in the last 12 years.


Anonymous said...

Did it re-integrate OK in the end?

karen said...

Nope. That would be one of the things I still have to sort out :-/