Tuesday 31 July 2007

9 smoke free days

Another day almost completed. Today was harder than yesterday, and yesterday was hard. 9 days smoke free.

What I'd really like to do is have a cigarette and think it was horrible. Then it wouldn't be so attractive. However, I believe if I have a cigarette I'd enjoy every second of it and I'd have suffered these 9 days in vein. Oh the hard life.
I think my problem is I'm currently enjoying smoking. Or I should say I was enjoying it. I went through times where I didn't enjoy it and I did it out of habit; there were also times I really enjoyed it - now is one of those times. And there's no immediate incentive. For instance - if I was with a bloke who didn't want to be with a smoker - incentive. If I were pregnant or had children- incentive. I was enjoying smoking, I didn't want to give up - it was just a good time and when I had planned on quiting. I have no short term incentive. Yes, yes, I know all the health benefits blah blah blah. Nothing immediate. It's hard to find the will power when you don't have the incentive. Any suggestions on how I can tell my mind that there is immediate incentive are welcome.