Wednesday 1 August 2007

Day 10 and counting

It's the evening of my 10h smoke free day. Today has been considerably easier than the last couple of days. Still had cravings for cigarette, but they weren't as bad and didn't last as long - are you people praying for me? Well it worked, so keep it up.

In other news....
(to update you on more of my life than my quitting smoking and the work I did the last few months,) I went into London to meet Haley, a friend of mine from Derby that moved to London shortly after me. As always, I had a good time out with her, chin-wagging. I like meeting up with Haley; I always feel better afterwards.
My flat-mate also gave me her notice that she'll be moving out in a month. This is sad because she's a pretty easy-going flat-mate and I'll have to find another one - one that I don't know. This could be a good thing because she doesn't quite pay half the bills. This was agreed when she moved in, but with my recent financial eye-opening, it could be a good thing to get more money toward bills and such. This could be a really bad thing as I'm known for my laziness and I really can't afford to not get someone else in. Guess I best get off my tookus (my bum).
Someone paid me a really big complement yesterday. Well I thought it was a big compliment. Someone I've lost touch with got back in touch yesterday. This said person happens to be of the male variety and I met him after Ben and I separated. We were only ever friends, but there was an obvious chemistry between us - it was just never taken further. He has since moved on with his life as have I. He basically told me that I was the one that got away, and that not pursuing that was his biggest regret. Ah. What a compliment. Ah well - more fish in the sea (hopefully).
Anything else....can't think of anything.