Monday 24 September 2007

Canal boating pictures

These are the pictures from a fortnight ago. I went canal boating with my friends Jim and Jo from Derby. A few months ago Jim got a job outside Peterborough (look it up on a map - it's about 2 hours southeast of Derby) and bought a canal boat as his accommodation. During the week he lives on the boat and weekends he goes up to derby to their house. They have just bought their first house in Peterborough. Jo got a job in Peterborough and will be moving down next week. Where am I going to sleep when I visit Derby?! How rude of them not to consider this when they decided to move! :) Good luck with the new job and house Jo!

This is Jo and Jim (from ages ago) so you know who I'm on about.
After our supply trip (food, drink and disposable BBQ) Saturday after, it was off to canals of Britain. At a massive 3-5 mph
I was so tempted to do a "I'm the King of the World" scene at the front of the boat, but I resisted. I did however hang my feet to the front of the boat.

Jim and Jo driving the boat as I enjoyed the front to myself. (You can just make them out)

There were quite a few hot air balloons taking off as we got moving down the canal - how cool!

I liked this picture of Jim coming out of the hatch at the back of the boat. We moored* the boat opposite a massively huge stack of hay. It was easily 2 stories high. ...and had a BBQ. It's a good job we didn't light the BBQ on the boat - we'd have burned the boat down! The next morning as I was clearing up the rubbish I saw the BBQ had completely burned through the wood under it. It's pretty amazing we didn't set the field on fire.
Sunday afternoon after lunch we set off, "back home". Jim 'drove'....
...while Jo slept. It was Sunday afternoon to be fair. Not much better than a Sunday afternoon nap!
I kept Jim company.

In the middle of the boat there's this cool window that opens right up - a foot above the water. It's pretty neat to watch the canal go past through this window. On Sunday we passed a load of these fort things. They were pretty cool. Jim said they were forts from the war. You can see the 'gun holes' in the sides. Jim almost ran the boat into the bank so I could get this shot!

And that's your lot. I had a really good time. Thanks Jim and Jo for sharing your boat with me!

A note to my mother - you best be loving all these pictures. I can hear Cheryl in my head going on about how I'm like my mother taking pictures of everything :)


Anonymous said...

We enjoyed the report on your canal trap. I don't think there's anything like it here in the colonies.