Monday 24 September 2007


Proof - Clean kitchenThe dishes you see are clean and drying

...and more!!! The whole flat is clean - including fresh linen on the beds!

Now don't get too excited. I had to do the dishes and clean the flat. Someone is coming around to look at the flat this afternoon after work. In true Karen style, I waited until Sunday to clean the flat.* I finished sometime around 3 this morning and took a shower as I was sweaty and horrible - cleaning is hard work! This meant I didn't get to sleep until 4am and I was back up for work at 7:30. I'm sleep deprived to say the least. Do your muscles ever ache when you're over tired? My muscles ache like I worked out hard at the gym yesterday. I know it's just out of sleep deprivation, as it happens occasionally, I was just wondering if anyone else had similar experiences.

I also changed the layout of the lounge. I don't have any photos, I'll have to take a few before it becomes cluttered. I'm not sure if I like the new layout, but the couch wasn't in an accessible** position, so I've tried something new. I'll keep you posted - the new layout might not last.

*In my defense, if I cleaned the flat before Sunday it would have gotten messy again and I would have had to clean it twice!
**you couldn't see the tv, thus no one sat on it.