Wednesday 19 September 2007


It's not often that I feel hopeless. I occasionally am mad, angry, upset, irritated, frustrated and the like - but I'm a "find the silver lining" type person. Sometimes the only silver lining I can find is that I know others have it worse off. But today I have hit a pretty low low.

Hopeless. Lost. Scared. Anxious. Frustrated. That's currently me.
And it's all over work. Work shouldn't run my life and / or emotions. I shouldn't live to work. I should work to live!!!
So the work thing - i don't know why they're going wrong.
There's this one problem that isn't a problem for 1 person down stairs but it is for 2 others. why? who knows. my fault - not in the slightest. seen to be because of something i did. absolutely
Some of the staff made some changes to student information last week - the changes are no longer there. my fault - how could it be? seen to be because of something i did. absolutely.

Do you see the pattern?
Understand my sense of hopelessness?
You get why I fancy crying? Or running away to Siberia?
Do I know anyone I can live with in Siberia?
PS. It's been a stressful day. I'm afraid I have to confess I'm now back to day 1.


Anonymous said...

Maybe your a little bit to blame?

karen said...

Gasp. horror. With a comment like that - it's no wonder you left it anonymously! Trader! :)
For the items I mentioned - not at all. For some of the issues, a little bit.