Monday 8 October 2007

A busy weekend turned quiet

Friday as I left work I was dreading the weekend a bit. Friday night I was out with work mates, Saturday a friend from Derby was coming down for the weekend, my new housemate was moving in and on Sunday night I was meeting up with another friend. This after a long, tiring week at work and knowing that the next week I was due to be out Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. When was I suppose to recuperate?!

How foolish we are to make plans - knowing God just laughs at us when we do! Apparently God agreed with my subconscious and decided I need rest instead of excitement. My friend from Derby cancelled the trip to London. My soon-to-be housemate texted me late on Saturday saying it was a bit late and she would just come on Sunday. So Saturday, other than a last minute tidy of the flat, I spent doing a whole lot of nothing - in my pjs.* (The tidy of the flat also included a bit of handy-woman work. I unplumbed my washing machine, in it's place plumbed in my dishwasher. Put my new dryer (yippee a clothes dryer!) on top of the washing machine on the side of the kitchen. Bad news was the hose pipe didn't reach the new placement of the washing machine.)

Sunday I went into Croydon to get a longer washing machine hose pipe, return a dishwasher (long story...if I haven't told it - I can't be bothered to), get some trainers** and look for cushions for the couch. Success on all accounts. I spent a lot of the afternoon in queues - queueing traffic, queueing to return things, queuing to ask a question about the washing machine hose (to ensure this novice got the right thing), queue to ask for sizes of shoes, and of course queuing to pay for things.

When I got back to the flat I had a new flatmate. Helen had arrived. [she thinks] I haven't mentioned a new flatmate moving in have I? Opps. I have a new flatamte. She's a teacher here at school, and needed somewhere to live. I had somewhere she could live. A match made in heaven :) Sunday evening we watched a bit of tv, chatted a bit and had a few cups of tea. I can't remember the last evening I drank 3 cups of tea. Around 2am I remembered why I don't drink tea at night. Caffeine and insomniacs aren't a good combination. Lesson learned - until the next time I forget!
And now its Monday. Work. I need energy.

This is Helen and I
a few months ago on a night out.

*I love "pj days" - days where you stay in your pajamas all day
**I hated having to buy trainers when I know I'm going to the States for Christmas (yet another thing I've failed to update blogworld about - I'm rubbish!) and they will be cheaper there. But I had to bite the bullet. The last pair of trainers I bought was in 2002. They were trainers with the air bubbles in the soles - an although comfortable at first, they were more painful than most shoes when the bubbles burst a couple years ago. This summer I threw them out. As I'm looking for a gym at the moment (and trying to 'get fit' - ok fitter than I currently am) I needed shoes to wear. I didn't think running in flip flops or dress shoes was advisable. The good news is I found a bargain pair marked down from £64.99 to £15 ($132 to $30 for you American types). I reckon I can give my sister a run for her money with bargain shopping! :)