Saturday 27 October 2007

Call me a socialite

My social life has been a bit busier then typical lately. I'm too old to keep this up ... but I'm enjoying trying :)

Friday night I went to Ed's (a mate from work) house party in West London. It was a very good house party. And I knew it was a 'north of the river' house party - canapes as finger foods - nice! I'm glad I put my face on and did my hair! (Actually i looked quite fabulous!) House parties are an odd thing. Some are good, some fall on their face - and it's hard to pin point exactly what makes one work. This one had a good ratio of men to women. Good food, good conversation, good music and no one off their face making a nuisance of themselves.

Ed even treated a few of us to his keyboard and vocal skills.

Saturday I went back to West London for a rugby game. My first ever rugby match. Colm & Eddie* joined a team last week and it was their first match. I'd say they got pretty beaten up, but it was worth it as they won. Eddie left shortly after the game and Colm, Helen and I went for a meal at TGIFridays. Good food and a good crack. I left Helen to make sure Colm survives the night - he's convinced his brain might be swelling due to a hard hit in the game. He was keen on showing off his war wounds from the match :) Get better soon Colm.
Rugby huddle

Someone was injured and parametics called. Rugby is a man's game after all.

*Colm is Helen's man and Eddie a mutual friend of theirs.


Anonymous said...

very interesting

Love, Mom