Thursday 15 November 2007

"Boys and their toys"

Boys aren't the only ones who get new toys! Tuesday I got a new spangly mobile phone. It's really cool - it's a PDA (palm pilot type thing) and phone in one ... and it even has a qwerty keyboard that slides out. I was playing with the camera Tuesday night and discovered it always you to take 3 pictures and it turns them into 1 panoramic photo:
Cool, right?!
Tuesday I also wore more of the jewelry my sister sent me. I was only wearing little hoop earrings, but I quite like them. It's now Thursday and I've been wearing them since Tuesday. I was hoping they could replace the studs I always wear, but I fear they're not real sterling as my ears are bothering me. Oh well. They're still pretty cute.

Big cheesy smile from Monday* for my sister

Wednesday my flatmate brought up (upstairs from her room) her Nintendo DS and got me addicted to the game where you test your brain age - have you seen the adverts on TV for it? Oh my gosh - SO addictive! I am ever so slightly competitive and have an additive personality...I ended up playing it for the majority of Sunday night. My "brain age" did improve from 60 when I started to 29 by the end of the night. Wa'hoo. (My flatmate had a Brain age of 45 and she plays it loads - how clever am I :) Ok I say clever, you say sad and pathetic and addicted to video games - semantics!)

*If you look at Monday's comments my sister compliments the necklace and queries the lack of makeup and smile. I did state the picture I posted was one I took as I was getting fed up of not liking any of the shots I'd taken. This one would have probably gotten posted if I wasn't so amused by the face I pulled in the other one :)