Monday 31 December 2007


My parents have an apple computer, which is a great computer (love them blah blah blah) but not so blogger friendly. So I'm down to bare minimums and can only blog in HTML (for those non-geeks out there ... that's internet language) which I'm not fluent in. So please forgive the lack of editting and the non-spell checkd postings.

I of course needed to post more Madilyn photos ... she IS a cutie after all. Her expressions are so fun... she has the cutest little smile.
These are of Madilyn in her Auntie gear: her "I love my auntie" bib and the outfit I gave her.
Notice she's waving to say hello to blogger world

So cute - she has the habbit of folding her hands together praying ... what can I say, they start 'em young in the Bible belt :-)

Cheryl and I just before I left Arkansas

****WARNING - Dodgey photos coming*****

Cheryl and Scott have a huge whirlpool bathtub in the en-suite: as soon as I saw it I knew I had to get in it before I left. When I was waiting for the tub to fill Cheryl made some comment about me posting pictures on my blog. I would have ever though to put a picture of my in a bath on my blog ... but then he thought was stuck in my head. So here's me enjoying the whirl pool bath at my sisters. (Don't worry, I of course am wearing a swimming suit, cough)