Wednesday 19 December 2007

The little Christmas ornament with a big story

Make sure your sound is on!

This little guy's story just keeps lengthening each year. I got this in my stocking from Santa when I was about 16. I took the rip out of my other something chronic because it was sooo stupid and cheesy! I was 16 for crying out loud (and my sister who got a similar one was going on 20). Little did I know how I'd come to appreciate this little thing!
Two years later was my first Christmas away from my family - far far away in England. While decorating in December I mentioned to my mother how much I missed this ornament - even as cheesy as it was, it was the one piece of Christmas decor I missed most. To my delight on Christmas while opening my gifts, I opened this ornament - Mom had wrapped it up and sent it to me. Oh how it made me smile. Through a bit of miscommunication (and me pouting that my own parents didn't even want to talk to me on Christmas day) not only was Christmas of 1999 my first away from home, I didn't even get to speak to my family. That night I cried myself to sleep playing this message over and over and over again. Ah.
After that it held a prized place on the tree. A few years later when I got him out of his box, there was only a clicking noise when I pressed the play button. Horror! The wire hook for hanging the ornament on the tree had been pushed into the 'record' hole and recorded a bunch of nothing. Devastation! Off it went in the post to America for "Santa and Mrs Clause" to re-record the message. The following year, 2003, for the third time I unwrapped this little guy on Christmas morning.
This year his saga continues - I went to show a friend my favourite ornament - and it doesn't work. I think he's just out of batteries as I played it earlier last week. What ever the case - this little thing hold a very special place in my heart - and on my tree!