Tuesday 22 January 2008

Weekend wonders

Friday night was a celebration of a few different birthdays. Before going out, I went to the "local" for a "quick one" .. a quick one that lasted a couple hours. On my way home, I got stuck behind some sort of Muslim protest / march - an interesting experience ... mostly annoyance due to traffic jam.

After making myself look fabulous, it was into the city. I dropped my car off at a friend's house (as I was staying the night there - easier to get back to), and met up with friends. After a couple hours I suddenly got a splitting headache. It was incredible bizarre: literally one second I was on the dance floor, and the next second my head was in my hands in agony. I ended up outside for about 45 minutes where I was entertained by some drunk people from York before going back inside for a few more laughs. For the record - I was completely sober - THIS WAS NOT ALCOHOL INDUCED.

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