Thursday 17 January 2008

What a week

My week started off good enough. This weekend I spent in my pajamas. Not once did I get out of them. I stayed in bed for 18 hours one night/day. Now that's how you get over jet lag. What a good weekend!

Monday was a bit of a nothing day. I remember I was busy at work and I didn't leave work until I was chucked out around 7:30pm. Tuesday was another busy day, but Tuesday night was fun. My friend, Mary came over after work for a girly night. We ended up watching a "chick flick". Just before it started, I tried to make the couch more comfortable

... this is Mary helping sort out the couch after I demolished it. opps.

Needles to say, we got more silly as the night progressed. Here, Mary's feeling a bit "puzzled"
Wednesday was a horrible horrible day! Oh man it was bad. I felt like someone at work set me up to fall and it really irritated me. I was frantically busy and everything seemed to be going wrong. Boo. After finally leaving work late Wednesday night, I went over to a friend's house. Oh what a good night of relaxing with a good melting pit of people. Thanks for having me over Ed.

Thursday was another busy day at work, and another late night leaving. I was meant to meet up with a friend from "up north" who was in London, but she fell asleep in her hotel room and we didn't end up seeing each other. As much as I would have loved to meet up with her, I was glad for a night in of doing nothing. It's been an exhausting fortnight for me.