Monday 25 February 2008

catching up

I haven't really felt the urge to blog recently. In fact I still don't felt said urge. I can't be bothered. As you might have noticed, my posts have been coming less frequently. The novelty of blogging has obviously worn off. Besides my parents - does anyone read this? Is it worth the effort? Should I bother? Time will tell. Maybe I'm just going through a dry spell and my enthusiasm will come back.

The following are pictures from the weekend of 16th. I drove to Peterborough because it was my friend's birthday. We went bowling in town and then back to Jim's (my friend who's birthday it was) for a few drinks and guitar playing /singing. Oh the fun.
(click to enlarge)

It was an early morning on Sunday to drive the hour and a half to get to church in Nottingham. Then it was to Patty and John's for Sunday roast and the to the hospital to visit Ken who had gone back to hospital after getting an infection in his foot after surgery. Oh what a busy day.

Monday I went to the doctor's in the morning for a check-up (heart's still ticking fine, if you were wondering) then lunch with Grant, back to the hospital to see Ken, then to Patty and John's for a quick good-bye, back to the hospital to bring Ken a razor (that he said he didn't want, but I know he's glad to have it).

Pictures: petrol is 5 pence cheaper in Derby than London - how ridiculous!!!; church; me at church - nice, huh?!; Derek - I told you I'd put the picture on my blog
line 2: at John and Patty's Sunday night for Chinese; John doing the crossword; John and Patty coo-ing at their first grandson over webcam - oh so funny to watch!
Line 3: Lunch with Grant on Monday at Starbucks; John Patty, and Sue at hospital with Ken
Line 4: At the hospital: Ken and Sue; "the foot"; Ken with his new razor

(click to enlarge)

Before heading back to London, I stopped by Nick's to say hello. I ended up staying for pizza and watched the end of America's Next Top Model. In hind sight it wasn't the smartest of ideas as I didn't leave Derby until 11pm. As I was EXTREMELY tired I stopped for a cup of tea and can of diet coke, and called my mother so she could chat to me and keep me awake. That she did. I got caught up on the goings on in Paris and Tyler.

Sadness. My parents are moving from my childhood home after 20 years of living there. Not only that - they're moving from Paris!!! I'm SO sad about this. [sigh] Now how am I going to keep up with who's getting married / having babies/ sick, etc. How am I going to say hi on my infrequent trips to Paris; who am I going to say hi to - everyone will have forgotten me. Who will tease me for my ridiculous accent? Oh the sadnesss. I will miss knowing my parents are in Paris. I will miss visiting "home".


Jenni said...

Hey Karen! Just letting you know that I love reading your blog! It seems like you have built quite an exciting life for yourself in England and I love to see what you're up to! Have a good day!!

Another day in the life of Beau Hart :) said...

Hey, not only your parents read your blog, I read your blog. I enjoy hearing what's going on with you and London, ha I enjoyed seeing the pictures of Jon and Patty and of Derek. I'd like to come back and visit church again sometime (if they'll have me, I think I upset Christine and Alan at one time)!!! So keep blogging :)

Anonymous said...

Hi karen!
enjoyed reading your blogs tonight while visiting your Mom. Kevin & I are moving to NewBoston in March and the wedding is in April. Things are going by too fast! Miss you, love you. Let me hear from you sometime.
Love, Trish

Anonymous said...

Don't quit blogging just because those of us who read it are too lazy to comment!! BTW, you are not the only sad person to have your parents leave Paris! My eyes have developed a permanent leak! I must keep telling myself, "it's only 2 hrs away, it's only 2 hrs away!" Since you appear to be the most consistent blogger in your family, I will depend on you for news of them!! Keep on a-blogging!!Love, Sherry/YaYa

martha crockett said...

Like I tell Alison, "Home is where ever your momma is!" Right, Jean??? The Gilberts will definitely be missed, but I can keep up with 50% of them as long as you and Cheryl keep on blogging! Don't even think a/b stopping!

Anonymous said...

Yes we’re moving … What can I say but what I choose to think about is the good memories. All the friends and history with them which can never be taken away is what tugs at my heart. Karen, you have found a niche which is your blog, keep it up for I know your Mom and I read it on a regular basis. We love you very much. Dad (in Paris for now)

nick said...

That's not fair, you used some form of computer trickery to make my flat look like its a messy place when we both know its an amazingly tidy place!

Keep on blogging, or Mark will have to do some work!


Kristie Lee said...

Sorry, I just caught up to my blog reading! Just wanted you to know that even if your Mom and Dad are in Tyler, you can always come back and visit when you're here! Love ya! Kristie

karen said...

Thanks for all your lovely comments. I'll definately come to visit Paris even after my parents leave.

The Timberframer's Wife said...

I just found your blog recently--it's so wild to think you're living in another country! It's so neat to catch up with people by blog, isn't it? Hope you're having a nice week! Take care!