Thursday 14 February 2008

just a big scaredy cat

There are a lot of benefits to living alone, like being able to walk around in the buff, and not having to worry that your mess will bother someone else. There are also down sides to living alone: no one to help pay the bills, no one to make you soup when you're I'll, and no one to calm your nerves when you are scared senseless by the creepy noises in your flat!!!!
I have always been a big scardey cat, and it was quite a transition when I first lived on my own (aged 24). But there are times (like right this moment) where I absolutely wet myself with fear! My logical side is trying to convience me that the creepy noises are just the hot water pipes cooling off. The other part of me thinks it sounds like someone is in my flat - and that's the part that is winning the war on what I should believe. So scared. Sad, I know, bit still true.


Anonymous said...

Yep! That's my Karen!

You've come a long way baby! I'm remembering when you wouldn't go downstairs when we lived in Colorado unless someone was already down there!

Be strong. Be safe.

Love you,