Thursday 14 February 2008

Valentines Jewelry

I've mentioned a couple times that my sister sent me a box of jewelry she didn't wear anymore. In the box of jewelry was a note saying that if I didn't like something I was free to give it away - she wouldn't be offended. Well, when I saw the necklace in I'm wearing in this picture, I will admit I thought it hideous and it'd be going. "Who would wear that!" "What on earth was she thinking when she bought it?" "What would you wear that with?!" Well apparently, I would wear that, she was thinking she had taste and you would wear it with a white shirt.

I wanted to show a bit of Valentines spirit today, but didn't want to go the normal red/pink shirt. As I was pondering what to wear, I remembered the red necklace my sister gave me. Perfect! I had a lot of compliments on my jewelry. Thanks again Seester!

Oh ... for those of you who read my last post. Yes I got myself worked up about nothing (as normal). And yes I'm fine. Thank you for laughing at me :-P

(Cheryl - you got a smile in the picture, but still haven't managed make-up at work.)


Anonymous said...

Looks Good!

How fortunate you are to have a sister like Cheryl.
She must take after her mother with such generous, thoughtful gestures!

: )