Wednesday 26 March 2008

The joys of living with my flatmate

Before I get to the joys of Lindsay (ie "the flatmate"), a quick picture from earlier today. A friend / colleague came into my office hot and sweaty from his cycle to the school and proceeded to strip off his shirt to cool down. I can't say that this has ever happened in my office before. I decided it was definitely blog worthy, but for his anonymity I chopped his face out of the picture.
Now onto the lovely Lindsay. In the cupboard, I found this tonight:
which ended up being a half used Oxo cube (beef stock cube) rather than a rat terd (which I think it looks like). Logical.

Lindsay has also decided to redecorate my white cushion: with a little red wine - always nice to have a bit of colour in the flat.

And she's a really good cook. No honestly, she is. Tonight, for example, she made broccoli and stilton (blue cheese) soup, which was quite nice. ...but the flat smelled of armpits for the rest of the evening!

(Ok, for those of you who can't tell, this blog was meant in jest. Lindsay is really lovely and I am just taking the mick.)