Tuesday 8 April 2008

Snow in London!

Saturday morning I woke up to this wonderful sight. It was so very pretty. It lasted most of the day, but slowly melted away. But just gorgeous. These were taken from my back garden.

I couldn't help but hit you with a snow ball!


martha crockett said...

How did you do that with the snowball???? That is so neat!
Hope Roxy is running again. At least you are somewhere with good public transport. We'd be sunk here in Texas.

karen said...

I'm too lazy to get up early enough for public transport for work. As far as how Roxy is, I don't think she's very wel at all. There are some guys here at school that looked at her yesterday and said they'd drive her up the hill today and tell me their opinion. Fingers crossed it won't be expensive!

Snow ball was sitting on a ledge next to the camera; I put the camera on the timer and ran to get in position. There were a few funny out-takes trying to get that picture. The first few attemots, I threw the snowball towards the camera ... but stop when I actually knocked out the camera with a snow ball. Ops!

Anonymous said...

Is it legal to comment on your own blog?? Possibly there could be some vague law against this--then you could be in blog jail. Sentenced to get up in time for public transport! Poor Roxy would languish in the backyard, no driver in sight. A sad plight.
Love you, love your snow pix!!

karen said...

How would I answer questions if I didn't reply on a comment?