Thursday 17 April 2008

Norway trip posts

I finally finished uploading my millions of pictures from Oslo. Because it's taken me so long to do this, the posts got out of order, so I've re-ordered them as best as I could with the limitations of google blogger and my internet understanding. It just means that Day 4 and Day 5 (my newest posts) are at the bottom, under Day 3. I want you to read them (I spent lots of time on these blogs you know!) so I've set up some links on this post to make it easier.

For Day 1 - Oslo Bound click here

For Day 2 - Palaces, Playing with art & Pascals click here

For Day 3 - white, wet and painful click here

For Day 4 - Museums, museums, museums click here

For Day 5 - Homeward Bound click here

Now I'm in debate to go on a blog strike until I get a comment on either Day 4 or Day 5 just to make sure at least one person found those posts and read them. I'll debate this.

I hope that you've enjoyed my Oslo trip as much as I did. It was fun going over the pictures and posting them - I hope I didn't overloaded you with too many pictures from Oslo. I do realise these were some seriously moster posts.


Rachel said...

Very cool trip. I'll just live vicariously through you since I probably won't get to go anywhere cool for a very long time.