Tuesday, 8 July 2008

Deep thoughts? ... don't worry, they don't happen often

Have you ever taken a look at your life:

where you are,
what you've done,
where you thought you'd be,
what you expected,
who you've become,
who you were,
what you've been through,
what you've accomplished,
what you've failed at,
what you've learned,
what you're doing with your life,
how you're filling your days,
what's important to you,
what you want to be doing,
where you want to be in the future,
and if you're "happy" with your life?

you know - that sort of looking at your life?

For reasons I won't bore you with, I've been thinking about my life recently. Ten years ago I graduated high school. Oh how different life was. My "whole life" was in front of me. How important my teenage dramas seemed to be, and how unimportant they actually were. In the last 10 years my life has taken paths that I wouldn't have even imagined when I was in high school. It makes me wonder where the next ten years will take me, but it also makes me wonder about my current lifestyle: in ten years will I look back and be happy with how I chose to spend this time or wonder what I was thinking and why I wasted so much time being stupid.

Does any of that make sense?


Anonymous said...

Yes it does, and you are wise to spend this time reflecting on such matters. Love you, Mom

Scott and Cheryl said...

It makes a lot of sense. I hope in 10 years, you're able to look back and be proud of how you spent this time.

victoriaplum said...

yes. I think about it all the time, and generally i think i'm happy with what's going on and how i'm spending my time. i hope you are.. you certainly should be! xxx

martha crockett said...

A question from one insomniac to another--do the words sleep deprivation mean anything to you?!?!?!?!?
Get some rest, and then ponder these deep things. You might ask yourself what you would change if you were able, and then make an effort to do just that.