Sunday 7 September 2008

Paint? In little balls? That you shoot at people?

Yes that's right, I decided to see what the craze around the "sport" of paintballing was all about.

First things first. I'm a girl, so I have to get the outfit right!

Then there was an hour drive to get there (had to go outside of London to find some trees :-)

There were 6 rounds of paintballing. Each with a different setting and a different "mission". Each round had 2 ten minute rounds so each team got a chance to "complete the mission". For instance there was a fort in one of the missions, one team defended the fort while the other tried to invade, then the groups swapped and they tried to invade the fort while the other team defended it. The team I was on played more of a defensive game while the other group was more aggressive. We lost. I "died" in each round and still have the bruises to prove all of my deaths. But at least I took a few guys with me :-)

After round three we had lunch. This is Kelli and Mary B, two friends (and work colleagues)

During round 5 I got shot in the head which gave me quite a headache and made me feel slightly qweusey, so I headed home. I was almost out of paintballs anyway. This is Kate and I, just before I left. Slightly more wet and muddy than when I arrived.

And just for a little proof, here's one of my more deep bruises. Nice and red. I counted somewhere between 15 and 20 bruises that evening. Oh fun :-)