Friday 19 September 2008

Weekend Shenanigans

Tonight I'm going for a few drinks (don't worry, I'm driving, so will be sober...just for the record, so you know I don't "have a problem") after work as a colleague is leaving to go back home to Australia tomorrow (actually it's the same guy that I'm in a photo with on my blog last Saturday). Then meeting a friend for a couple drinks later tonight. Tomorrow I'm having brunch with another friend in the City and then we're headed around London for something called "Open House" where buildings not generally open to the public are open to the public to tour around. Saturday night I've been invited by Ed (friend /colleague) do go out for a few drinks. Sometime this weekend I'm hoping to go see Lindsay's (old flatmate) new flat and drop stuff she left at my house at hers. I've also got a friend, staying with me for a few days. I've also got to get a load of work done before Monday. And Monday I'm at court because of a traffic violation; I'm quite anxious about this and fear that I should have gotten a solicitor. Say a little prayer for me Sunday night as you go to bed.
That's me and my weekend. Busy busy. And you thought you had a lot going on :-)