Tuesday 11 November 2008

A girlie night in

This evening was a girlie night full of all the right ingredients: food, laughter and gossip about the boys. All it was missing was popcorn and a movie. Clare, Cate and I went out for a lovely Chinese meal after work today and headed back to the flat for a bit more gossip and games.

Me, Clare & Cate

Clare bashing Cate with the game piece

My attempt at taking a photo of us playing the game, Sorry. You can see Clare, then Cate's legs, then mine (notice I'd already changed into my colourful pjs by this time!

After Cate left I was headed downstairs to get into bed but instead somehow ended up spending the next four hours sorting out my flat - cleaning, organising, unpacking the rest of my luggage from my trip to the States, blah blah blah. Now it's 1:30 am and I'm blogging... where does all the time go?! Must get some sleep.