Thursday 27 November 2008

My hero's in hospital

Do you remember my post about my IT hero a few weeks back? (Click here) Well my hero has landed himself back in hospital. Poor guy has not had a great year, being in and out of hospital! Kelli (another friend from work) and I went to visit him Wednesday night after work.

Claude, Kelli and I

Claude had another visitor there when we got there, here's the four of us:
Jo (I think) Claude, Kelli and I

I passes around a card at work on Wednesday for everyone to sign - this guy is seriously loved at our school! We seriously miss him! I also bought him a few bits and bobs to help him through the boredom of a hospital visit: one of them being silly string. I thought this would be a fun and amusing novelty gift... I didn't think "Claude is in hospital because of lung problems - silly string is in a high pressured gas cylinder thing - the two should not mix". I felt really bad when we were playing with it and he started coughing! Good one Karen!
The good news is that Claude got discharged today - hopefully he'll stay healthy. Keep him in your prayers!