Saturday 20 December 2008

I sang? In front of 1000 people? Oh my!

Thursday was the last day of school for the term, and at BTG (the school where I work) the staff put on a panto for the student. In other words the staff dress up ridiculously and make fools out of ourselves. This year was Jack and the Bean Stalk, with some liberties taken. There was Jack and a giant and a beanstalk and a cow ... but there were also prisoners and a fairy and lolly pop ladies and school girls and an X Factor excerpt - it all got a bit confusing!
Vicki and I

The PE department - Teon (a prisoner) Tyrone (a school girl) and Kelli (another prisoner)
Chaos before the "show"
(Starting with Vicki's ponytails) Vicki, Dominic, the top of Rob's head, Teon, Brendan, Ken, The yellow arm of Mary B, Pink hair of Tyrone and Simon is front and centre.

The prisoners all had to preform a talent so the Giant didn't eat us for dinner. Clare, Cate and I sang Santa baby ... in front of the whole school! I'm still slightly perplexed by the whole event. How they got me to sing ... in front of people I still don't know. (I try to reserve my singing talents to the shower!) Regardless, the students seemed to enjoy it and the staff that preformed had a blast. Defiantly a success!

The only proof I can find of me being on stage. Pictured with some other frightened prisoners. (I'm the second from right just by Ahmet, Ed is hiding behind me, then there's Simon, Teon, Geoffrey, Kelli & Claire.)


Gorilla Bananas said...
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martha crockett said...

You really look good in the dark red lipstick! That could seriously be a new look for you.