Friday 16 January 2009

Gluten for Punishment

Because my actions yesterday, I have to admit that, yes, I am in fact a gluten for punishment. But honestly it wasn't intentional. "What", I hear you ask, "did you do to earn this title". I accidentally worked out twice in the same day.

Thursdays after school Eugene, a personal trainer, comes in to lead a fitness class for the staff. Because I find it easier to push myself with someone telling me what I should be doing, I have been trying to convince Tyrone, the Head of PE, to get Eugene in for a second day a week. To this Tyrone suggested I could join he and Rob, another colleague's workout session in the morning before school for my second workout of the week. But as they work out on a Thursday, this wouldn't work for me - I'm simply not able to work out twice in one day and survive. And besides that, I'm sure it's better for my heath to spread out my workout sessions over the week instead of 2 in one day. So that's the background.

Yesterday I had a meeting after school, meaning I couldn't go to the fitness session with Eugene, so I decided to crawl out of bed extra early (if you read my last post you must know what a difficult task this is) and work out with Tyrone & Rob from 7:30-8:30. I was there at 7:30, they were late. Rubbish! Because I wasn't going to get a full hour's work out I decided I must give 120% to make up for it (plus I was working out with guys, I had to "keep up" with them, I couldn't look all girlie and inferior to them - I have my pride). Workout over, shower had, I went about my day.

My meeting started earlier than expect and thus finished earlier than I anticipated. This meant that I could catch the last half hour of the fitness class with Eugene, and as I didn't have a full hours workout, I rushed off to join Eugene. Oh. My. Gosh. Eugene's session was extra hard. I think it was a combination of already being physically tired from the morning work out and that Eugene was working us extra hard as it was the first class of the New Year. I repeat: Oh. My. Gosh. There were a few times that I actually thought I would have to give up, but I hate to let anything defeat me, so I pressed on. Ouch.

I was spent after the session with Eugene. All I had the energy for was to collapse. And so I did. (Well, I had to do another 2 hours of work before going home, but once I got home I collapsed!) So today I'm extra sore. The tops of my thighs, the side of my thighs, my gluteus maximus (ie me bum), my sides (are they my obliques?) my arms and shoulders - all sore when I move. And the rest of me is exhausted - no energy to move. I am paying for yesterday!

I try and defend my actions by saying "but it wasn't intentional - I only intended to do one session". This doesn't even justify it in my mind - a person has to put a lot of effort & exertion in a workout session. So I have no defense, other than I'm a gluten for punishment. Regardless of my poor defense, I still ask for sympathy - I hurt!


Anonymous said...

;) Poor baby!

Anonymous said...

Hi is it going with the feet behind head training? (lol)..
Myself? I can put both behind head..
(and im male)