Monday 2 February 2009

Busy busy busy

Last week was a hectic one. Not busy socially but busy at work. I worked on Saturday morning and Sunday night, then I was at work till 8:30 on Monday night, Tuesday I left at normal time (as Becky was over - these blog posts are really out of order!) Wednesday I was at work till after 9. I came home and worked out to relieve the tension .. that just made me sore on Thursday! After school on Thursdays a personal trainer comes into school and runs a fitness class for the staff. Oh - my - gosh! After the work out and late night on Wednesday night, Thursday's session almost finished me off. But there was not time to rest - it was a mad rush home, shower & change to head into the city to meet up with Matt. Luckily this time I was on time, but Matt and I crossed paths with each other and waited in different areas at the same place for a good 10 mins - whoops!!.
I met Matt in Kensington and he thought it'd be neat to show me this American style grocery store, it was. Very cool. And yes, I took pictures - I couldn't resist!

Look at this veg - picture perfect, literally :-)

We were both surprised to see this egg display - who knew you could buy single eggs? I've only ever seen them sold by the 1/2 dozen & dozen

After the grocery store Matt & I went to a Mediterranean restaurant - a first for me. I was pleasantly surprised at the cuisine. I shouldn't be surprised to be fair - Matt's got superb taste, I'm never disappointed when he picks a place!


Anonymous said...

Remember when you couldn't wait to be a grown up? You know, have a job and all that money! Do you have a different prospective now?

How neat to see photos from the grocery store.

Love you,

karen said...

Very different perspective! Can I go back to being an innocent child again? pleeease!