Monday 23 February 2009

The week everyone cancelled on me

Yep that's right - every night last week my plans were cancelled. (Truth be told it started the weekend of the 6th when my plans to go to Derby for the weekend were cancelled because Derby had quite a bit of snow, roads weren't all that safe to drive and trains weren't running regularly.) So it was a weekend with no plans in London and then a week of cancelled plans - how rubbish!!! It left me feeling very unsocial and low and wondering if I smelt bad!

I use deodorant - honest!

Monday - I don't makes plans on Monday nights because I have a meeting after school that often runs late and I can never be certain of a finish time. Sometimes the meeting finished at 5:30 like last week, sometimes it doesn't finish until 8:30 like the week before last. This week it was cancelled. Brilliant. But not so brilliant because I've a night with nothing to do. I did actually ended up going out for a couple hours in the rain and helping Clare move flat. So it worked out good that I was free to help.

Tuesday - I was meant to go out with Clare & Cate, we'd been trying for 3 weeks to find a date that we were all free and this was the day. We were going to do it - have fun, catch up, have a girly night. But Cate had a bad day, and had a headache, and a lot of work to do and she cancelled. And then Clare decided she'd cancel to as she'd just moved and needed to sort her room out. So they both cancelled. Sad.

Wednesday - (Ok, so I probably shouldn't admit this on my blog as I've never really talked about "boys" on here - but here goes....) I had a date on Wednesday, never met him before, but we were set up and due to meet on Wednesday. But he got in touch Wednesday afternoon having to cancel. No love loss, but another day of cancelled plans.

Thursday - Another night I didn't plan anything because of a meeting after school ... that ended up getting cancelled. So I went grocery shopping.

Friday - The school organised a "pub quiz" after school in the staff room and invited everyone along to unwind and have a drink, that I was particularly looking forward to as I'd had so many cancelled plans. I needed a pick me up, or at least reassurance that I didn't smell bad and that's why everyone was cancelling on me. But (yes, there's a but) and unexpected visitor came to the school and didn't leave till after the pub quiz was over. Sadness. But that's okay I tell myself, everyone's going to the pub after for a drink. Nope. Everyone's not going to the pub after. But there were a small handful that went to the pub and I did actually have a good night out. I also met a highly gorgeous South African guy. Shame he had a girlfriend and was in love. But he was still lovely and I enjoyed chatting with him for some of the evening.


Anonymous said...

Sigh...Okay, your photo ties into the post with a bit of humor, but really Karen, a bit much for this mother (certainly not a lady-like gesture). I'm just shaking my head.

Still love you,

karen said...

Things like this make me me :-) You expect nothing different and you love me for it!!