Monday 16 March 2009

Red noses to the ready

Friday was Red Nose Day (Comic Relief's main fundraiser). I've never managed to get myself organised enough to buy and wear a red nose on Red Nose Day before, but this year I did. Yippee, hoary. I could only breathe through my mouth while wearing my red nose as it pinched my nostrils together, so I only wore it in short bursts.

Friday after work a group headed down to the "local", and we had fun passing the nose around and being silly. It's fun to be childish!

Danielle and I. (Danielle joined the school in January and is my only American friend & colleague in London. It's so great to have a comrade in arms! She's pretty great, but being an American makes her even better!!)

Danielle joining in on the fun of the red nose

Jess somehow making the nose look cool instead of silly - that's serious talent!

Tyrone also had a go with the nose
Leigh refused to join the fun even after several attempts to get the nose on him, but Martin (a manager at the local), Dorothy (a gal from a school up the road), and Kelli happily joined in the silliness. The nose died after Kelli though, she's got a cold and we didn't want to pass on the germs.
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Anonymous said...

What a fun time you seemed to be having. Glad to hear you stopped sharing after Kelli (what with the germs and all).
