Monday 6 April 2009

Birthdays and Wallets

Last Friday (not the one gone, the one before that) was my good friend's, Clare, birthday. So after a hectic day at work and a rushed drink at the local (it was Friday and it is compulsory after all) I ran home, changed and headed off to Pizza Express to celebrate "a quarter of a century of Parker-isms" (Clare's surname being Parker). While changing hand bags I noticed that I didn't have my wallet, "bummer" says myself, "must have left it at work, very annoying". It was okay though because I had some cash at home that I could use. Quickly finished changing and headed out the door and drove to the restaurant, making it there with 2 minutes to spare - ace! I wasn't late. It wasn't till after I parked my car and was walking into the restaurant that I realised I'd forgotten to grab any cash from home - so I was out with no money. Pants! So I went in and greeted everyone and said I'd be back in a half hour, I'd forgotten my money.

While driving home I thought I'd call a friend that was still at work to check my office to make sure my wallet was there. She ransacked my office only to discover there was no wallet. Panic. I couldn't have lost my wallet! January I lost my wallet (for the first time in my life) and I'd literally just replaced all my cards, license, etc. I couldn't have lost it again! I was low on time but when I got home I rummaged through my car (in the dark mind you) and rechecked my bedroom - no sign of my wallet. You've got to be kidding me! Losing 2 wallets withing 3 months is just ridiculous! I had no time to think about it though, so I grabbed some cash for the evening and headed back. Apparently Neil had just asked where I was as it'd been a half hour, to which Clare responded, no she's still got 30 seconds ... and then I walked in. Talk about timing!

The Birthday Girl herself, Clare, with Paula
The pizzas were ginormous! This is Sophie in awe of her really big & yummy pizza

I tried to take a picture of the whole table, but failed. All I really got was a picture of Neil (and a blurry shot of the top of Paula and Clare's heads.

The lights suddenly dimmed and the waiters came out singing Happy Birthday. Yea waiters!

Apart from my wallet missing, it was a very good evening! Pizza, desert and great conversation - what more could a gal want!

I got home and ranted my disbelief to Meghan for a good 15 minutes before going into my room to find my bed (I'd ransacked my room getting ready in a rush and then trying to find my wallet so there was quite a mess on my bed). I cleared some stuff off then went into Meghan's room and chatted for a bit, then went back into my room to clear some more stuff away, then back to Meghan's room and so forth. To my shock and embarrassment I came back into my room to find this scene:

Yes, that is my green wallet peeking out under a piece of paper

So I am a dozzy mare and I would loose my head if it weren't attached, it's official. But at least I didn't loose my wallet (again)!

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Anonymous said...

Whew! Karen...Karen...Karen...Oh how many times I remember you looking for something you'd miss placed (only to be found later in your cluttered room).Glad you were able to go to bed knowing you didn't loose your wallet again.

love you,